Easy Acceptance Term Life Insurance Plan

Easy Acceptance Term Life Insurance Plan  


At a Glance

The FRA-endorsed Easy Acceptance Term Life Insurance Plan offers valuable coverage with competitive rates. Designed to help protect FRA members and their spouses under age 60, it offers the benefit amounts you may want up to $150,000. Your coverage will not be canceled because of poor health, and your rates will not increase because you develop poor health.

After applying and being approved for coverage, you have 30 days to decide if FRA's Easy Acceptance Term Life insurance is right for you. What do you have to lose?

This plan is available only for residents of the United States.

Tell me more

Benefit Features:

  • Coverage now available for your spouse/domestic partner and children. This Easy Acceptance Term Life Insurance Plan was specifically designed for FRA members and their spouses under age 60 who reside in the U.S., and who are not confined for medical care or treatment in an institution or at home—it is not available to the general public.
  • Choose your coverage amount—pick the level that's right for you: $25,000, $50,000, $75,000, $100,000, $125,000, $150,000.
  • Waives your premium if Disabled. If a Sickness or Injury makes you Disabled for at least nine consecutive months and your Disability starts before you're age 60, your benefits will continue at no cost to you. Your premium will be taken care of for as long as you're disabled up to age 80.


Disabled means You are wholly and continuously prevented from:

  1. performing any work or occupation for wage or profit for which You are reasonably qualified or trained; or
  2. if not employed, engaging in the normal activities of a person of like age and gender in good health; as a result of injury or sickness.


Simplified Issue Plan MONTHLY Group Rates


$25,000 Benefit

$50,000 Benefit

$75,000 Benefit

$100,000 Benefit

$125,000 Benefit

$150,000 Benefit














Under 30

$ 1.75 $3.56 $3.49 $7.11 $5.24 $10.67 $6.99 $14.23 $8.73 $17.78 $10.48 $21.34


1.66 3.35 3.32 6.70 4.99 10.06 6.65 13.41 8.31 16.76 9.97 20.11


2.40 4.90 4.80 9.79 7.21 14.69 9.61 19.58 12.01 24.48 14.41 29.37


3.82 7.76 7.65 15.52 11.47 23.29 15.29 31.05 19.12 38.81 22.94 46.57


6.35 12.82 12.70 25.63 19.05 38.45 25.40 51.26 31.75 64.08 38.10 76.89


11.28 22.77 22.55 45.54 33.83 68.31 45.11 91.08 56.38 113.85 67.66 136.62


19.91 40.16 39.81 80.31 59.72 120.47 79.63 160.63 99.53 200.78 119.44 240.94


28.04 56.29 56.08 112.58 84.13 168.88 112.17 225.17 140.21 281.46 168.25 337.75


42.83 85.96 85.67 171.92 128.50 257.88 171.33 343.83 214.17 429.79 257.00 515.75


56.08 112.54 112.17 225.08 168.25 337.63 224.33 450.17 280.42 562.71 336.50 675.25

Rates are based on the attained age of the Insured Person and increase as you enter each new age category. Rates and/or benefits may be changed on a class basis.

*Renewal rates only. 

$10,000 of coverage for all your children only $1.27 a month.

You are considered a nonsmoker if you have not smoked cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe, or used chewing tobacco, nicotine chewing gum or snuff during the 12 months before submitting an application for insurance.

You will be billed quarterly. If applicable, an additional $2.00 billing fee will be included on your billing notice payable to the administrator. To save the fee, select Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as a safe and secure payment option.

Eligibility: FRA members and their dependents under age 60 who reside in the U.S., and who are not confined for medical care or treatment in an institution or a home. Plus, your unmarried, dependent children at least 14 days of age, but under age 19 (age 25 if a full-time student) are eligible for this protection.

When both Member and Spouse/Domestic Partner are eligible members, each may apply as a member; however, coverage may not be duplicated by applying as dependents of the other. Dependent Children can only be covered by one spouse.

Termination: Your coverage cannot be canceled as long as the Master Group Policy remains in force, you remain an FRA member, you pay your premium when due, and you are under age 80. Your dependents’ coverage ends when yours does, when premiums are not paid, if the Master Group Policy ends, or when they are no longer eligible.

Exclusion for Term Life Benefits: If you or your dependent commit suicide, while sane or insane, within two years of the effective date of insurance, the only benefit payable will be a refund of the premiums which have been paid for the insurance. If your or your dependent commit suicide while sane or insane:  during the two years immediately following an increase in coverage under the Policy, we will only pay the deceased person's Life Insurance Benefit in an amount equal to the amount of Life Insurance in force prior to the increase, plus an amount equal to the premium paid for the increaes to the date of death.

Effective Date: Your coverage will go into effect the first of the month following the approval date of your application and the receipt of your first premium payment. If you are confined for medical care or treatment on such date, your coverage will become effective on the day following final discharge.

Deferred Effective Date:  If on the date that you are to become covered under the Policy or covered for increased benefits under the Policy, you are:

  • not Actively at Work; or
  • unable to carry on all the normal and customary activities of a person of like age and gender, in good health, if not employed;

You will not be covered until the earlier of:

  • the first day of the month on or next following the date you have been Actively at Work for 90 consecutive days; or
  • the first day of the month on or next following the date you have been able, for 90 consecutive days, to carry on all the normal and customary activities of a person of like age and gender, in good health.

Acceptance into this plan is subject to medical evidence of insurability as determined by The Hartford1. Depending on your age, the amount of coverage you request, and your answers on the application, a medical examination, medical test(s), or other evidence of good health may be required. Any exams/tests requested by the company will be conducted at your convenience and at no expense to you.


Notice of Insurance Information Practices



This website explains the general purpose of the insurance described, but in no way changes or affects the policy as actually issued. In the event of a discrepancy between this website and the policy, the terms of the policy apply. All benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. Policies underwritten by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company detail exclusions, limitations and terms under which the policies may be continued in full or discontinued. Complete details are in the Certificate of Insurance issued to each insured individual and the Master Policy issued to the policyholder. This program may vary and may not be available to residents of all states. 


The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s legal notice at www.thehartford.com.

Underwritten by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company, Hartford, CT 06155

Contact Us

4050 114th Street
Urbandale, Iowa 50322
 M-F 7:30a-5p CT
[email protected]
 Insurance Company Address
Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company
One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155


Answers about the plan, including eligibility, options, enrollment, customer service and more.
  • How can I learn more about this insurance?

    For more information, call toll-free 1-800-424-1120.

  • Do I have to take a medical exam, blood test, etc.?

    Depending on your age, the amount of coverage you request, and your answers on the application, a medical examination, medical test(s), or other evidence of good health may be required. Any exams/tests requested by the company will be conducted at your convenience and at no expense to you.
  • How long does the application process take? When will my coverage become effective?

    In some situations, coverage becomes effective within a few days of receiving your application and premium. For others, the process is longer because of required medical underwriting procedures. The "underwriting process" depends on many factors: the number of persons to be insured, their ages, the amount of coverage for which you apply, your medical history and that of your family members (if requesting dependent coverage), and the type of coverage requested.
  • How do rates work on the Group insurance plans?

    Premiums for both the member and spouse/domestic partner are based on the member's age at last birthday. Premium may be periodically increased on plans to reflect plan utilization and help ensure their financial stability.

  • Who recommends/approves benefit changes or rate changes?

    The insurance companies reserve the right to change rates. They usually report "plan experience" (premium collected and claims and expenses paid) twice a year and, if applicable, rate action recommendations. Using this information, the Program Administrator works with FRA to evaluate the recommendations and decide what, if any, action (i.e., a rate action, a change in benefits, or even a change in insurance companies) is appropriate to maintain the plan's financial stability. FRA ultimately approves any such action, and insured members are informed of their decision, prior to implementation.

  • Why is the plan not available in all states?

    The Term Life Plan may not be available in all states. There are a variety of reasons for this situation to occur. The product may be prohibited in that state. The insurance carrier may be unable to or chose not to do business in that state. The group policyholder's product, as designed, may not be permitted in that state.

  • Can my spouse/domestic partner obtain separate coverage?

    Yes, but a spouse may only be covered if the FRA member is covered. Spouse coverage cannot exceed member coverage. A surviving spouse can, however, maintain coverage under most of the plans. See your Certificate of Insurance for more details.



Life Form Series includes GBD-1000, GBD-1100, or state equivalent.